Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Psalms 150:6

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rom 12:3 According to the meassure of FAITH given by God

Sunday message:
Every one , who is born again has got a meassure of Faith , given by God. 
Two places God marvelled at the faith of the people is at Luk:7 (The centurian) and at the faith of cananite woman , both of whom have had a great faith in the authority of Jesus though they were gentiles.
Jesus Had that authority because He obeyed the authority of Father. If we believe in His authority and surrender our life and our decissions and everything else, He will give us authority over things. Obeying His authority also enables us freely claim any of 13000 promises from His word.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday message - Knowing who I am in christ

2 Cor:2:3-5

"...Bringing down the fortresses and speculation that exalt against God."

These are the thoughts that rise in our minds against the nature of God . It is because we were walking in darkness in our past (Ephesians 2:2    "..in time past ye walked according to the course of this world...") , Enemy has sown some seeds of his nature in our minds. Hence even after getting saved, after our sins are forgiven those seeds trouble us. So our old mind should be renewed into a new mind... a christ like nature.

When enemy comes to us he comes first questioning our status in christ and then shows us  circumstances all around and tries to create a doubt (the same way he went to tempt Eve and Jesus). If we are not knowing who we are and circumstances are nothing to do with our position in Christ and all things are working are working together for good to those who love God and to those called by God, We are in danger of falling prey to Enemy.

Ephesins 1:1-3,18-22

Our position in christ :

1. Chosen before the foundation of the world

2.Predestinated  unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to God

And we should see:

1. The hope our calling

2. Riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints(in us)

3. The Exceeding Greateness of his power in us who believe

This power is the power of saving us from our sins which even much more greater than the power of creation in which God created all things just through the word of his mouth

Mathew 7:20

"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:"

If we do these things we will not stumble. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Luke 10:41

God gave me a word today. When Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening God's word, Martha was cumbered with much work. On reporting to Jesus, for the carelessness of Mary toward her struggle with work, Jesus replied that "You are careful for and troubled with many things. but Mary chose the best one." .

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Today God gave us a message in the church from Luke 9:57-62.
This portion I have read as my personal study. God was forcing me to meditate on it. But I was reluctant to Him. Today God talked to me on this.
First person asked God that He would follow Him. But Knowing hearts of every man, Jesus Said that he had no place to lay his head. This Indicates that the motive of that man might be reward He would get by following Jesus.
Second man, God himself asked him to follow Him. He said that He Had Responsibilities to fulfill.
Third person, who came to follow Jesus his own, is ready to follow, but still he is giving chance to regret of his decision by going back home to bid farewell.

Speaking to the second person, Lord mentions Preaching the Kingdom of God. and to the Third one He says abiding to the Kingdom of God, once the decision is made.

Today we also had farewell to outgoing students in which Vinod uncle shared God's Word from Psalms 90:12 'Teach me to count my days(To thank you what you have done in my life)'
And from Psalms 106: (He will guide and councel).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Luke 9:13

"But He(Jesus) said to them, "You give them something to eat." They said, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish--unless we are to go and buy food for all these people." "
Jesus knows that they cannot give them(5000 men) food. But God wanted to test their faith after they have seen so many miracles. They couldd have brought those five loaves and two small fishes and could have asked jesus to bless them. He can bless even small ones and do greate things with them. Its good to put all that we have at his feet though they are small. We need not think of doing some thing on our own (like Going and buying food).